Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Dream.

Assalamualaikum.. Hai :D 
Okay sekarang dah pukul 5.40 pagi. And kalau nak tahu tiap2 hari aku bangun dari tidur time pagi2 buta camni.

A few hours ago, I was dreaming about there is a boy which was taking pictures with his friends. In my eyes, I saw that he  was like want to moving somewhere like boarding school I think. But the weird thing is... in that dream I was  sad and my mouth just shut up its more like I'm scared to talked to him. Its true but I dont know why. Is there has 'hikmah' behind my dream? You know people nowadays always tweet or saying about when everythings happen , dreaming or whatever theres always hikmah behinds it. Hmmm, maybe it just because I'm overthinking.

Sekarang dah masuk bulan februari dah. Its mean student tengah menunggu keputusan MRSM. So mesti nnti ada geng2 kawan yang terpaksa berpisah. Sedihnya. Januari lepas, dah ada berapa kawan dah masuk asrama. Yang aku tahu Intan, Farah, Hajar, Azfar, Nurhan, Harith dengan Maisarah. Ada yang pergi Teknik, Seri  Puteri dgn SBP. Apa pun wish you guys the best  at there :) 

Thats all. Need to off from this post cause sekarang ni tengah cuti for 3 days :3 Asyik cuti je tahun ni.. Hihi. Macam2 boleh buat macam homework? Hahaha. Bye!

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